Upcoming Events

The UQES calendar is jam-packed with a wide range of corporate, social and educational events! Below is a brief snapshot of just a few of our major events that you won't want to miss. To stay up to date on all the latest details, and the rest of our events that aren't listed here, make sure you follow us on social media!

August 4, 2024
UQES x UQLS x 180DC Sem 2 Launch Party
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August 23, 2024
UQES Hackathon 2024
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UQES hosts two major case competitions annually, the Deloitte Access Economics Economic Advisory Competition, and the FTI Consulting Policy Pitch. Open to students from any degree and year level, they are an awesome opportunity to try solving a real-world problem that consultants face today.

The Deloitte Access Economics competition invites students to present to consultants on a specific economic issue that Australia is facing today or in the near future, with previous cases focusing on the 2032 Brisbane Olympics, electricity markets and the housing crisis. Students work in teams to solve the case, prepare a slide deck and for finalists, present their findings and strategies. Successful teams take home monetary prizes and potential networking opportunities. 

The FTI Consulting competition, hosted with UQPPES, gives students the opportunity to pitch  a new economic policy for the Australian government to help solve a critical issue the country faces. With previous topics such as decarbonisation, this is a challenging, but rewarding experience for students to try thinking like a policymaker and make real world decisions. Teams are invited to submit a policy proposal, and select groups will have the opportunity to pitch the policy to FTI consultants, with monetary prizes up for grabs. 

Want to try one of the competitions? Check out our Facebook page to find out when the next competition is coming up.  

Past Events

Check out some of the events hosted by us in the past!

May 25, 2024
Economics Ball 2024
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April 24, 2024
Pre-Penultimate Panel
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March 21, 2024
UQES Mentorship Program Launch
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March 20, 2024
UQES x EY Recruitment Tips Workshop
Educational / Corporate
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March 15, 2024
Careers & Cocktails
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March 14, 2024
First Year Mixer
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